Notes of Eunoia Volume IV- Jia's Birthday, My Birthday, The Forever Cirrias Event, My Sugar Free Journey & Black Friday Plans

Notes of Eunoia Volume IV- Jia's Birthday, My Birthday, The Forever Cirrias Event, My Sugar Free Journey & Black Friday Plans

Posted by Ashley Bates on

Hello Beautiful Thinkers!

Sorry, I didn't get a newsletter out last month, It was a very busy month! So let me catch you up!

Jia turned 13. A teenager now. Once again, I don't know if she reading the room or truly is a homebody girl, but she didn't want to do ANYTHING outside the house. So we did the usual, morning balloon and cake surprise and bought her some gifts she requested and made it a chill day at home! 

Same for me. I didn't want to do much outside the house! This year Julian and Jia stepped it up and made my birthday special. They planned a cake surprise and bought some sweet small gifts. My favorite gift was an antique vanity that I got to refinish. I absolutely love it. I have always wanted a vanity since I was a little girl. My mom had a brass vanity that I loved, and she would never let me sit and play at it. To my recollection, she never did either. It was for decor. 

I want to use my vanity. Plus I just wanted a dedicated place in the house to display my things and call MY personal space. Jia has her room and Julian has turned Ant's room into his game room and I had the half of the loft but I gave it back to the business a couple years ago. So I wanted to create this just for me with the antique look I love so much from the 40s and 50s. It's very princessy! I repainted it a pearl metallic color and trimmed in gold. 

I bought an antique standing jewelry box off of FB Market place and painted it the same colors. They look amazing together. Speaking of jewelry....

Thank you to everyone that attended and/or got a piece of the Forever Cirrias Event! It was a surreal moment getting to go through all her things. Her collection is magnanimous. I literally only pulled half out. It was way more. I'm so happy you guys got to get a piece from it as I'm sure JC will sell the rest as a whole offer to a Crystal dealer. It's worth THOUSANDS. I will be uploading a video on the different pieces I managed to get as well. I got to see her new house she only got to live in for about six months before she passed. She had sent me pictures of different furniture pieces she purchased and how she had her crystals set up. It was still decorated with her things. Very lovely to see. I truly wish I could go back one more time. I hope she would have been pleased with me doing this event. I like to think she would. And JC said she would have. I appreciate him the most for allowing me to as well. 

I am 14 days SUGARFREE today. Somebody please clap!

THIS IS SO HARD. No bread, no snacks, no sodas (unless sugar free) no juice. I do eat fresh fruits that I like, currently pears and blueberries for the fiber and pomegranate. I'm loading vegetables and protein. I've lost that initial 8 lbs which is mostly water. I've been walking my block enjoying this beautiful weather before it gets cold. But I will be back on my bike soon. 

The biggest difference I have noticed is how my body feels. Like I am NOWHERE near as stiff and in pain as I was two weeks ago. I'm sleeping better and having better dreams. I'm not peeing but once overnight. I was peeing like 3 times a night. Then falling asleep and dreaming the craziest shit! But it's gotten better. I can't wait to see what a month looks like from now. Even my mental health has improved. I can think clearer. Speaking of mental health...

As most of you know, I'm healing my mother wound. One way, that has been working wonders for me, is identifying happy emotions surrounding my relationship with my mother. I didn't live with her for several of my younger years and she died when I was 15 so I don't have a lot of happy memories with her. But one that has stuck was her taste in perfume. She ALWAYS and I mean always smelled amazing. 

So I purchased some perfumes that I knew she wore back in the day, that I loved on her. And one that has been my go to lately is Elizabeth Ardens Green Tea. Truth be told, someone commented on my Nostalgic Prerfumes YOUTUBE video that this one was a favorite nostalgic perfume of theirs. I didn't recognize the name, but saw a bottle in TJ Maxx. I bought it since it was only 8 bucks and it was definitely on my momma's roster. It was her. Fresh, light and clean. And every time I spray it on me, I have the pleasure of remembering her in a light that I want to remember her. 

I don't hate her. Actually obsessed with her. Just hate that we didn't have the relationship I always wanted with her. I hate that our relationship didn't give me an example of how to have a relationship with my own daughter and I want to be the opposite for her. But I'm learning. I feel I am only learning because I have forgiven her for not being what I thought a mother should be. Healing.

I wanted to share with you guys something a friend of mine! Waverly of Waverly McSwain Beauty is gifting those suffering through chemo and the onset of hair loss! She is gifting three deserving individuals semi permanent brows to help restore confidence in everyday living! All you have to do is nominate someone who deserves it! The winners will also get to choose a 3 pc set of hair products from Tangles and Beyond to start their journey back to healthy hair without the added chemicals! Here is the link to donate to this worthy cause! 

Now what do y'all want to do for Black Friday? I know I will do buy one get one free on hair products. But if we bring back ANY body, it will be very limited. So tell me below, what y'all want to see on the sale! I can't make any promises, but I will do what I can do!

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  • Anything in spottie and flowerbomb

    Catherine on
  • First off Happy Birthday to yourself and Jia!!
    Also your vanity area is so aesthetically
    If you were to bring any body care items back, I would love the Sskin bar Soaps (literally a staple for me and my kids and I stock up anytime they’re on the site). I’m also holding on to one of the coffee scrubs I purchased so anything also from the coffee and creme collection. (Also anything in the scent (I believe it was brown sugar baby)

    Hair care wise I know the pure Detox replaced the pumpkin collection that was supposed to release last month, but the pumpkin collection would be great for Black Friday!

    Sa’tia J on
  • I enjoyed reading this! Thank you for sharing.

    Lorita Shaw on
  • Please bring back the Pure Shampoo and Jias Dreamcleanse!!!!

    Ambi Luv on
  • I would absolutely LOVE Drench my body lather in Jia’s Smile and Nookie Juice. Pretty please!

    Jenn B on

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